PPGI and PPGL are two significant steel specifications that are widely utilized for construction works. There are times that it might be hard to decide which is which since they can look quite a bit alike. But the two are quite different, and it is i...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШIs the Aluzinc coil familiar for you? It is a new and exciting type of metal coating that is rapidly gaining popularity in building projects worldwide. Use of three important components: aluminum, zinc and silicon makes it a special compound and ther...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШOften when people build houses or make machines, they need to use metal sheets. There are different types and sizes of these sheets and sometimes it can be tricky to know which is the right one for a particular job. There are numerous metal sheets av...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШWhat are PPGL Coils?PPGL coils are special kind of steel sheets that are used in various industries. These coils are significant as they have certain properties, which helps them come in handy. They are created by heating steel -- that is, making it ...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШRogo is proudly one of the best supplier for high quality and cost effective galvanized steel coils in China. Sorry, APIs cannot be created of these (multiple) tasks, we just need to handle with experience. This experience has given us the reputation...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШThe right materials to use when building something; recomendations There are all sorts of different types of materials, but PPGI & GI are among the most common. So what are those materials, and what are the differences? Therefore, let’s analyze...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШGalvanized Steel: It is a strong and effective material that is used in many different jobs. It's in building construction, manufacturing, and even in appliance making. Galvanized steels can further be optimized during the coil coating process. The p...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШAluzinc or Aluminum: Which is Stronger for Roofing and Siding? ROGO is going to tell you why Aluzinc may be the best option for you and your home, or building. Knowing the differences between these materials can you make the right choice for your roo...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШPPGI roofs or PPGI is a very good quality of roofing material with excellent strength and low price. You are given information until October 2023, In this article, we will discuss the types of roofing that PPGI roofs are, how they work, and what make...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШDo You Ever Learn About the Primaveral? This special kind of metal is for a lot of crucial things. This text will guide you through the definition of PPGI material and why it is important along with the process of how it is made. So, strap in and get...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШГэта вельмі распаўсюджаны матэрыял, які мы выкарыстоўваем для вытворчасці многіх рэчаў вакол нас, і некаторыя з тых, якія выкарыстоўваюцца бліжэй за ўсё да нашых дамоў! Вы можаце ўбачыць шмат дамоў у вашым раёне з гэтым матэрыялам для даху. Мы ўжо патрацілі шмат часу на дыскусію...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШУводзіны У сферы прамысловых матэрыялаў, якія працягваюць пашыраць сваё выкарыстанне, PPGI - папярэдне афарбаваныя ацынкаваныя сталёвыя рулоны і PPGL - папярэдне афарбаваныя ацынкаваныя сталёвыя рулоны. Гэтыя матэрыялы славяцца сваёй высокай абаронай ад карозіі...
ГЛЯДЗІЦЬ БОЛЬШАўтарскае права © ROGO INDUSTRIAL (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. Усе правы абаронены - Палітыка прыватнасьці